International peer reviewed journals
- G. Vargas-solar, J. L. Zechinelli-Martini, and V. Cuevas-vicenttin. Integrating and querying astronomical data on the e-grov data grid. International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering – Special Issue on Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems, 23(2):107–119, 2008.
International peer reviewed evaluated papers
- Javier-A. Espinosa-Oviedo, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, José-Luis, Zechinelli-Martini et Christine Collet. Policy driven services coordination for building social networks based applications. In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC’ 11), Work-in-Progress Track, Washington, DC, USA, 2011.
- Javier A. Espinosa-Oviedo, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, José-Luis Zechinelli-Martini and Christine Collet, Non-Functional Properties and Services Coordination Using Contracts, In Proceedings of IDEAS (short paper), ACM, 2009
- Javier A. Espinosa-Oviedo, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, José-Luis Zechinelli-Martini and Christine Collet, Securely coordinating services using contracts, In Proceedings of the 10th Mexican International Conference in Computer Science, Workshop WSEC, IEEE, 2009
- Javier A. Espinosa-Oviedo, Genoveva Vargas-Solar, José-Luis Zechinelli-Martini and Christine Collet, Unmarrying Non-Functional Properties and Services Coordination Using Contracts, In Proceedings of MOSE (short paper), In conjunction with CIKM, ACM, 2009
- * A. Portilla, G. Vargas-solar, C. Collet, J. L. Zechinelli-Martini, and L. Garcia-Banuelos. Contract based behavior model for services coordination. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2007), Springer, 8:109–123, 2008.
- V. Cuevas-vicenttin. Hybrid query processing through services composition. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology PhDWorkshop (EBDT), pages 75–82, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM.
- V. Cuevas-vicenttin. Towards multi-scale query processing. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Data and Services Management in Mobile Environments (DS2ME’08), pages 137–144. IEEE Press, apr 2008.
- V. Cuevas-vicenttin, G. Vargas-solar, and C. Collet. Web services orchestration in the webcontent semantic web framework. In Proceedings of the Ninth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC’08), pages 271–282. IEEE Press, 2008.
- *A. Portilla, C. Collet, J. L. Zechinelli-Martini, and H.-B. Victor. Providing persistency guarantees to services coordination. In Proceedings of the Ninth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC’08), IEEE Computer Society, pages 169–178. IEEE, 2008.
- *A. Portilla, H. Tan, and J. A. Espinosa-Oviedo. Building reliable mobile services based applications. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDE), pages 121–128, Cancun, Mexico, apr 2008. IEEE Computer Society.
- *A. Portilla, G. Vargas-solar, L. Garcia-Banuelos, C. Collet, and J. L. Zechinelli-Martini. Verifying atomicty requirements of services coordination using b. In Proceedings of the Ninth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC’08), IEEE Computer Society, pages 238–248. IEEE, 2008.
- *A. Portilla, H.-B. Victor, G. Vargas-solar, J. L. Zechinelli-Martini, and C. Collet. Building reliable services based mashups. In J.-M. Lopez-Cobo, A. Vallecillo, and A. Ruiz-Cort´es, editors, IV Jornadas Cientifico-Tecnicas en Servicios Web y SOA JSWEB 2008, Sevilla, Spain, volume 1 of JSWEB, pages 151–163. Jornadas Cientifico-Tecnicas en Servicios Web y SOA, 2008.
- Luciano García-Bañuelos: Pattern Identification and Classification in the Translation from BPMN to BPEL. Proceedings of OTM Conferences (CoopIS) 2008, LNCS 5331, pages 436-444, Monterrey, Mexico, Springer, 2008.
- Gero Decker, Remco M. Dijkman, Marlon Dumas, Luciano García-Bañuelos: Transforming BPMN Diagrams into YAWL Nets. Proceedings of BPM 2008, LNCS 5240/2008, pages 386-389, Milan, Italy, Springer, 2008.
- * A. Portilla, G. Vargas-solar, C. Collet, J. L. Zechinelli-Martini, and L. Garcia-Banuelos. A flexible model for providing transactional behavior to service cordination in an orthogonal way. In J. Filipe and J. A. Moinhos Cordeiro, editors, WEBIST 2007, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies: Internet Technology, pages 104–111, Barcelona, Spain, mar 2007. INSTICC Press.
- V. Hernandez-Baruch, A. Portilla, and J. L. Zechinelli-Martini. Rose: A transactional services coordination engine. In 8th Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC’07). ENC-SMCC, IEEE, sep 2007.